Abundance Mindset And Law Of Attraction

The whole universe is vibrating pulsating energy. Even the stationary objects surrounding us only appears to be static but conceal a great deal of dynamism and vibrations in them.

The kind of vibrations we live in, define and shapes our destiny. Here, we intend to explore different types of vibration to expand the horizons of your awareness which is an essential Ingredients of a Magnetic Personality.

That qualitatively enhanced awareness holds the power to bring about crucial transformation in our conscience.

Have you ever noticed, some days feel brighter and enthusiastic, while others give the impression of gloom and pessimism? How come on earth the same individual react differently at different times towards the same set of surroundings.

Alpha And Omega Of Abundance Vibrations

It’s all about the vibrations. We create and disseminate thoughts continuously. We create thoughts in resonance with our feelings, at a particular time. Your thoughts plainly explain your feeling. you cannot think good thoughts while feeling bad and vice versa.

Vibrations are deeply connected with those feelings. The person experiencing certain feelings create such powerful thoughts which attach themselves with the object of his thoughts and bring about marvellous results.

At the same time when you are at a low vibration and doesn’t feel good, you create thoughts which interfere with your spiritual and materialistic growth.

You are a powerful creator. God endowed you with this excellent tool, use it for you or against you, the choice is yours. You are the weaver of your destiny.

Vibrations tune your feelings which emanated as thoughts get translated into actions and eventually into your destiny.

Emotions And Vibrations

Here, I Would like to share the observation of renowned scholar David R. Hawkins who excellently explains in his book Power Vs. Force the different emotions and connected Vibrations, with the help of a diagram.

Vibrations and corresponding Emotion

Most of the population live below 200 as they continuously live in shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger and pride and remain in the state of misery most of their life. Occasionally, they happen to get glimpses of higher vibrations, indicator from the universe to take a leap of faith and plunge into the higher vibration order.

Courage is at the threshold that is at 200. The choice is there, you either hold on to the lower vibration or opt for courage and shatter the old patterns to experience higher vibration of neutrality, willingness, acceptance, reason, love, joy, peace that ultimately culminates into enlightenment.

You live at contracted vibration most of your life. Life is about unfolding and expansions.

Expansions of your horizons, the ego boundaries defined by your conditioning that must dissolve to take you into an expanded world of higher-order and ultimately enlightenment.

Wonders Of Acceptance

Acceptance of God’s will is quite accentuated by an Asian saint and spiritual master. The fearlessness(courage), neutrality (Without enmity) and acceptance are the core values recommended to be practised in the sect to realize the life purpose.

All sorts of enmity arise out of fear. Fearless one doesn’t nurse grudges and thus enmity and only such person who is fearless and without enmity can attain neutrality. It all comes from within.

Now another tool which is practised in the sect to confront outside influences is ‘Acceptance’. Acceptance of everything which happens to you and around you, as the will of God.

Resistance would bring resentment, shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger, pride, all the low vibration. Acceptance will bring reason love joy peace and enlightenment.

Some might denounce it as fatalism but it conceals a remedy for all the disease, the soul is suffering from. Acceptance of the present moment removes the resentment and liberates you to act from a place of neutrality rather than from fear or other low vibrations.

Acceptance lightens the burden of judgment and emancipates execution of reason

Magic Of Love

magic of love

We pass through different stages during our waking hours depending on the thoughts going on in our mind at a given point of time. The thoughts are like clouds in our consciousness. Sometimes our consciousness gets completely overcast with thoughts and we get completely absorbed in those thoughts and start identifying with them so closely that actually cannot separate our self from them.

In reality, associating with the thoughts so closely is the real problem. I think therefore I am, that sentence in itself says a lot which is perhaps quite contrary and ironical to the spirit in which it was written.

Thinking limits and define the ego and cuts it from the universal spirit, make you a helpless powerless Adam or Eve expelled from the garden of Eden, now at their own, as they have tasted the fruit of knowledge.

Knowledge is a powerful tool but understanding the limitation of that tool is liberating.

Levels Of Consciousness

We pass through different stages during our waking hours depending on the thoughts going on in our mind at a given point of time. The thoughts are like clouds in our consciousness. Sometimes our consciousness gets completely overcast with thoughts and we get completely absorbed in those thoughts and start identifying with them so closely that actually cannot separate our self from them.

In reality, associating with the thoughts so closely is the real problem. I think therefore I am, that sentence in itself says a lot which is perhaps quite contrary and ironical to the spirit in which it was written.

Thinking limits and define the ego and cuts it from the universal spirit, make you a helpless powerless Adam or Eve expelled from the garden of Eden, now at their own, as they have tasted the fruit of knowledge.

Knowledge is a powerful tool but understanding the limitation of that tool is liberating.

Scarcity Versus Abundance

The mindset of abundance relates intricately to the vibrations of a person. One cannot attract abundance when thoughts of misery and lack flood his mind. It takes a great deal of effort to think abundance when misery lack and poverty is all around.

The abundance mindset is not a mindset at all it is something which is beyond the mind. The mind is the problem or is the misery which is blocking away the abundance by defining and limiting your capabilities.

Kind of thoughts running in your mind only tells you about the vibrations you are in. The solution is beyond those clouds. The solution is in the connectedness with the whole, with the abundance.

When you are in low vibration you are connected to the petty where scarcity, neediness, misery is the norm. The secret of all accomplishment is vibration. The vibration is the means to attain the desired outcome which is the ultimate goal of life.

The abundance of all sorts can be attracted by being in resonance with the abundance itself. All the materialistic and carnal desires lead and charm you towards the ultimate enlightenment.

They act as motivation and mean to that ultimate goal of enlightenment.
